
Our programs are used to improve:

  • Improper breathing patterns

  • Tongue thrust

  • Incorrect or low tongue rest posture

  • Swallowing and chewing disorders

  • Thumb-sucking, finger sucking, nail-biting

  • Pre and post-surgical lingual and labial frenectomy therapy


Are you recognizing that something just isn’t quite right with your little one? Are you wondering why their mouth is always open or you can see their tongue? Are you concerned that their mouth breathing at such a young age? Trust your gut, any of the above symptoms may be a sign of an airway issue.

Our MINI-MYO program typically consists of 6-8 sessions. We would not recommend an intensive myofunctional therapy program before the age of 5. We will work with you and your child by developing a series of exercises created uniquely for your child’s needs. A lot of what is included in our MINI-MYO programs is parent education and awareness. BEGIN TODAY!

Children and Adults:

We will develop a treatment plan based on your unique needs. Your program will consist of a series of individualized exercises that repattern the muscles of the orofacial complex. Myofunctional therapy is a painless, holistic treatment. By the end of treatment, you will THRIVE:

T: target tongue to roof of mouth
H: halt noxious oral habits
R: rest with lips together
I: inhale and exhale through your nose
V: value your health
E : exercise efficient chewing and swallowing patterns

BEGIN TODAY! Gain the multitude of benefits from breathing, eating, speaking, and sleeping functionally!

Sleep Apnea:

We will work collaboratively with your team of healthcare providers to better manage or eliminate your sleep apnea. OMT can also help increase the compliance and efficiency of your CPAP or oral appliance therapy. OMT has been proven to strengthen the muscles in the oropharyngeal space that collapse during sleep, making OMT an effective treatment in reducing the severity of OSA and snoring.

We also work alongside leading experts in the field getting to the root cause of the issue, underdevelopment of the jaws. Structure and function go hand in hand. Your tongue and lips should be your body’s natural retention system.

Visit our literature page for studies that support Myofunctional therapy as an effective treatment.


It is crucial a patient receives pre and post surgical myofunctional therapy.

Most of us can understand why OMT following the procedure is critical. Would you have surgery on any other part of your body and not go through rehabilitation? At CTOM, we provide the active wound management immediately following the frenectomy as well as a full therapeutic program designed to optimize function of your newly freed tongue, lip, or cheeks (buccal) to ensure your orofacial complex is working harmoniously.

What most people don’t know is that pre-operative therapy is JUST as important. By minimizing the fascial restriction prior to the release, your skilled provider will be able to complete an optimal and successful release. It is vital that we begin creating new neural pathways prior to the procedure and optimize function and strength. Many of the release providers we work with will NOT do a frenectomy until you receive myofunctional therapy. We are a piece to the puzzle and body work is also strongly encouraged.

Orthognathic Jaw Surgery:


Myofunctional therapy can optimize surgical results and minimize relapse by providing neuromuscular reeducation and therapeutic techniques to aid in restoration of mobility and increase in strength and function of lips, jaw, and tongue. It is key to correct oral rest postures and normalize the freeway space for stability of the jaws. It is recommended to receive your comprehensive evaluation prior to surgery so that we can better assess current dysfunction and any orofacial myofunctional disorders.

 CT Orofacial Myology provides patients in-person and virtual treatment plans to optimize the function of the orofacial muscles, aid in establishing dominant nasal breathing patterns, and rid noxious oral habits. Our individualized programs provide exercises and behavior modification techniques to help stabilize orthodontic, surgical, and dental results and lead you to a healthier YOU. A completely holistic approach is taken to achieve your therapy goals. It is amazing what can be achieved when the orofacial muscles are working in harmony.